Sunday, May 17, 2020

Lost Glove

Photographing lost gloves has been an obsession since 2004 (please see my posts for April 141517 and May 4, 15). I now have hundreds of photos of lost gloves. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Green and White

Green and White

Friday, May 15, 2020

Lost Glove in the Age of Covid-19

Photographing lost gloves has been an obsession since 2004 (please see my posts for April 141517 and May 4). I now have hundreds of photos of lost gloves. The photo above was taken on a fairly recent walk around the neighborhood.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sleepy Girl

10-1/4"H x 7-3/4W
Colored pencil on paper.

From a sketchbook.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Colored pencil on Arches
21"H x 22"W

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Charcoal on paper.
22" x 18"

At one time I made quite a few drawings and portraits using charcoal. Working on paper with charcoal is like working with water-based clay making a sculpture. There is a sensuous quality to both mediums.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Green Eyes & Nose Ring

Green Eyes & Nose Ring
Colored pencil on Arches
14-1/4"H x 11-7/8"W

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Still Life

This is one of my mother's early oil paintings. When she made this, she was attending a painting class at night. Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Okay, so perhaps a loaf of bread doesn't rank up there with a painting, sculpture, or photograph, but it is a creative work, and even better, it can be delicious. Besides, unlike a sculpture, a loaf of bread doesn't clutter up the place for very long. It usually disappears rather quickly. This is my latest loaf, baked Wednesday. The flour is 50% unbleached all-purpose and 50% whole wheat. Total flour weight is 600g. Water is about 80%, yeast is 1/8 tsp, and salt is 12g. From start to finish it took about 29 hours. During most of that time it was just hanging out, developing flavor. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Birthday Mr Darcy!

Mr Darcy
Oil on canvas board. 
6"H x 8"W

Mr Darcy turns 15 today! He has lived with us since he was three years old. This portrait was painted some time ago, so he does look a bit older now. However, he's still pretty spry, especially when he wants his dinner. Having him as a member of the family has been great. He makes friends (human) everywhere. He's a fine traveler—he's been on trips with us as far north as Vermont, and as far south as North Carolina, and he's been to France twice. Overall his health is pretty good. It's not clear who will need Depends first, him or me.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Woman with iPod

Woman with iPod
12"H x 9"W
Colored pencil on paper.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Volets Bleus/Blue Shutters

Volets Bleus/Blue Shutters
Acrylic on Arches paper.
7-1/2"H x 5-5/8"W
Please see Matin/Morning.

While living in a small village in France in 2015, I painted a series of façades
inspired by the richly layered surfaces of the local architecture. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Acrylic on Arches paper.
7-1/2"H x 5-5/8"W

Acrylic on Arches paper.
7-1/2" x 5-5/8"
Please see Matin/Morning.

While living in a small village in France in 2015, I painted a series of façades inspired by the richly layered surfaces of the local architecture. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Lost Gloves in the Age of Covid-19

Photographing lost gloves has become an obsession (please see my posts for April 1415, and 17). I now have hundreds of photos of lost gloves. The photos above were taken on recent walks around the neighborhood. In spring, I usually see lost gardening and work gloves. Now, there are many more nitrile and latex gloves, a real sign of the times.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


8-1/2" x 11"W (open)

Before the Covid-19 era I used to carry a sketchbook whenever I went out, especially if the destination was a museum or someplace I'd have to be waiting for a while. The sketches above were made at the courthouse in Washington, DC. when I was on jury duty, waiting to be empaneled.
The sketch on the left was made in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.
I also would sketch ideas for possible new projects: sculpture or paintings.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


10"H x 9"W 
Oil on linen 
(Private collection)

Although a lot of my work is about multi-layered surfaces, textures, and facades, I am also interested in peoples' facades: their faces and figures. I have painted portraits in oils and acrylic, and drawn them in pastel, colored pencil, and charcoal. Some of the portraits are commissioned; others are done for my own enjoyment.
Please see: Portrait Sketch, 50 Years Ago, Tattoo, Anne, Devin,
George Twice, Eileen, Lincoln in the Library

Friday, May 1, 2020

Red Lamp

Red Lamp
(Private collection)

This is a three-bulb floor lamp I designed and fabricated.